What a great site to get “real people feedback”
I have had two TURBT’s in the last two years and both biops come back with Lamina Propria with “some” Muscularis proprai present ( T1)
My uroligist wants a RC and I want more biop’s and TURBT every 6 months
Ready all the info on RC’s leaves me a bit puzzled if T1 is a GO for RC or should I try for 5 more years of TURBT’s with a Go for RC at the T2 stage ( if it goes to T2)
I belive Prayer and time are on my side and I would like to live another 5 years ” comfortably” ( 70 now)
Saying gooodby to my Bladder and Prostrate is difficult
Hope to hear from others who are going thru this Black hole of decision making