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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic Yikes did I just catch a Fish !!!

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  • #7883

    To put a little smile on your face & remember those times we took our little ones fishing for the first time.


    My hubby and I used to fish when we were first married but didn’t actively pursue it once the boys arrived. My kids had the attention span of a gnat when it came to fishing and preferred to throw rocks in the water or disappear into the bush instead so for safety reasons we abandoned the activity. Thanks for sharing that video. That little fellow is so cute. I do regret that we weren’t a little more persistent with our children in this area. Fishing is such a great way to unwind, connect with people and nature.

    When we were kids my dad would take us either fishing alone, all three of us kids together or as a family outing. My mom wasn’t into fishing but when we went out as a family we would bring a picnic lunch and she’d bring a book or one of her craft projects and work on that while we fished. As I got older I did both on these outings. I’d fish for awhile with dad and my 2 bros and then when done go and knit or sew with mom. My dad knew lots of good fishing spots back then, a few even were connected to campgrounds or other family friendly facilities where there was a beach or swimming pool. When we went to one of those locations it was a real day out. We’d usually go early in the morning to fish, midmorning have a break to eat, go swim, have our picnic lunch, fish some more, have another swim or run on the playground and finish the day off with a dinner out usually at a hotdog stand. Even though those outings didn’t cost much they created really great memories.

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