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Homepage – Forum Forums Research, Clinical Trials, and New Treatments Will this new device help patients with Neobladder? Need your feedback.

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    A few days ago, I have encountered an article in Japanese Yahoo that a company developed a small ultrasound based device to detect the urine level in a bladder.  The company had developed the device in 2015.  This device will be attached to a person and it can detect a predefined urine level and can notify him or her or a care giver  via ie. a cellular phone or can even notice a central monitor system to monitor urine level of multiple people.

    I thought it could be a useful device for people with Neobladder.    I understand that the number one concern for Neobladder is incontinence, either after the surgery or for making a decision at a radical cystectomy which  urinary reconstruction to choose , with Neobladder or Ileal conduit or Indian Pouch.

    I have contacted the company in this regard.   The company relied such that the company had not used or tested for Neobladder so they would need to check.   The company also mentioned that they are in the process of opening up their US operation this August.   So, after August, it is possible for them to send us a device or devices for evaluation as they would like to support bladder cancer patients if this product is useful.

    I have told the company that I would check with our support group and get a feed back from our support group, especially from people who have neobladder.  So,  it is appreciated if anyone with neobladder or knows someone who has neobladder to post your comment or send me a message if this device might help improve the quality of life provided it works for neobladder.    I know someone with neobladder in Vancouver support group, so I will get a feedback from this person.

    Please be advised that I have not relation with this company and I am not posting this to endorse this device.

    The device is called Dfree and the company’s website is

    Also, I have found an article in 2015 about this device








    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by joey.

    Hi Joe

    This device wouldn’t help during the day, as I know when I need to go. It is potentially useful at night, particularly when sleeping heavily. It would need something more than a phone notification to get your attention when fast asleep, though. Another possible problem is keeping the sensor in place while sleeping.

    I don’t know what they would charge, but it sounds like they are using a subscription model for their service, so costs would be ongoing.

    If they want a beta tester I would give it a shot.




    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for your valuable feedback.  I have penciled in your name as a possible trial candidate of the device.      I believe that most of Neobladder patients have successful result like yours.   But I am also aware from reading some papers that some, a very few maybe, can have incontinence issue.

    Below is a sample thread in BCAN regarding to neo-bladder and incontinence.

    My understanding is that the company  has been supplying Dfree to mainly to facilities such as care homes and only from this summer they are planning to sell to public under the name of “Dfree Personal” according to their web site.   So, I expect that they will find different requirements once they start providing the device to public.   I hope they  design the requirement for Neobladder and can come up one day with a device specifically for Neobladder patients.

    Personally, I go to void frequently partially because of my prostate issue and also because my BC was very close to the prostate.   I am thinking I can use this device to train myself to hold the void even if I feel like I need to void if the amount in my bladder is small.


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