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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic VERY IMPORTANT DAY TOMORROW

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    Tomorrow is national Pick on Greg Day. Whatever can be done to make him miserable is goal. Well, not really miserable, but sufficiently picked on. Or picked up but then put him down. Or just use tweezers to pick on him. As long as he gets picked and pecked and pucked.



    WOW![strong][/strong] I am so honoured and yet no one seems to have picked up on the pick on. I know Kiowa is deeply disappointed and frankly so am I.

    Of course, the Toronto Maple Leafs have made the playoffs this year so you could try to puck on me all you like and it will not matter. Do they have a hockey team in Texas – oh, yah, that’s what they call it, the Dallas Stars. Nice little team too.

    So Kiowa, it’s just you and me, buddy. Pick away. Peck away. Puck away. Everyone else has left the building it seems.


    Not to worry, you and I can handle this all by ourselves, Greg. And congrats to the Maple Leafs. That’s cool. Well it is. I mean ice really is cool. On, and yes the Dallas Stars and we also have the San Antonio rampage NHL team. Maybe it’s the AHL, forgot. I love hockey though, my kids played, so did I. Well I played one game. But that counts.

    So what should I puck on you about? Wait! I can’t puck you. I hocked my puck at the pawn shop. That really pucks.

    And since no one is responding to Pick On Greg Day we we should just ignore anyone who got in on this game too late. I wonder what one does with golf balls. Never mind, I think I know.

    Pickowa and Puckowa


    Ah yes, the illustrious farm team of the Florida Panthers, the San Antonio Rampage of the AHL. I wonder why the farm team plays hockey. Why don’t they raise cattle, being in Texas and all? Or play with guns – yes, this is Texas! I guess it’s a natural fit with the icy cold weather you get in Texas most of the year…or not!

    Ah well, you picked your peck well (of pickled peppers, not puckers).

    Over and out!

    Jack Moon

    Difficult to pick on someone I care so much for and who happens to care for some many.
    Also no picking on the Leafs they actually rock this year. Not to confuse with the Toronto Rock.
    Rock, Pass, Score!


    I only pick, peck and puck people I love. Including golfers and gofers. And I really do like the Leafs and wish them well this year.

    The problem we have where I live is that we have trouble growing ice. But we do like ice cold beer. Alexander Kiowas.



    Well yesterday was pick, peck and puck on Greg day so I was wondering how the pecker, or peckee, and the pucker (or puckee) and the picker (or pickee) was doing. Also was also wondering if he still pees in the snow. I heard he is a great peeartist.



    NEVER eat yellow snow, speaking of peckers! I learned that as a kid. And my artistic talents in the snow have been cut out, if you get my drift (pun intended). I now find I can hardly pee when I want to and I can pee with reckless abandon when I least want to. How does that work? I guess that’s why diapers are made! Depends I suppose. But I am getting good at the backstroke and treading water.


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