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  • #8179

    I just read that you have had 19 BCG treatments !…Is that 19 x 6week treatments ?

    I am going for my 4th week of my second round of 6 weeks BCG treatments today…

    My first round was a couple of years ago and I ended up having an operation for a low grade cancerous tumor removal about 6 months later…

    I had another operation for tumor removal (my 5th in 6 years) last October and this time it was a high grade type of cancer hence another round of BCG


    Hi Beans!

    I know Val, and like her I’ve had a lot of BCG; 21 in my case. What we did was a series of 6 (once a week for 6 weeks) and then sets of 3 (once a week for 3 weeks). The schedule goes something like this: once a week for 6 weeks, 3 months off (counting from the date of your 1st treatment) then once a week for 3 weeks, three months off, a second set of once a week for 3 weeks, 6 months off and then a final set of once a week for three weeks for a total of 15 treatments. Some docs want their patients to continue past that with more sets of three for another year or two for a total of 24 or 30 treatments. You will have regular cysto exams scheduled in between the sets of BCGs to make sure that the cancer hasn’t reoccurred.

    I ended up with 21 because I did 2 sets of 6 and 3 sets of 3. Val can confirm but I think she did 2 sets of 6 as well. I did my first set of 6 after my first TURBT and that was it until my second TURBT 2 years later then my doc wanted me to do a second set of 6 followed by three sets of three. Schedules will vary depending on how well you are handling the treatments and whether you have any reoccurrences during treatments that lead to needing additional TURBTS. Doctors vary on their opinions of how much BCG as well. As for your journey, this is where you will need to discuss with your uro what he has planned in your case; how many and when etc. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Best wishes.



    Thanks for the prompt reply…I was a bit confused but then, I confuse easily (it’s me age…don’t you know…LOL)


    Me brains don’t always work so well either. LOL!!

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