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Homepage – Forum Forums Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Two Negative Cytology Reports and TURBT revealed red spot

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  • #39321

    Hello Everyone,

    Sharing my experience.  I had two negative cytology reports… in July and a second in September while waiting 15 months for a cystoscopy due to COVID.

    Yesterday the cystoscopy revealed a 2 cm red spot and URO wants to resect and send to pathology.  The URO said 50/50 cancer but the two negative cytology reports so close together and one just 2 weeks prior to the TURBT through him off.

    Has anyone ever experienced this?

    If so, what was the outcome?







    Hi, RCS. Yes, I have had the “red spot”, in fact, I now always seem to have them. The first time it appeared, there was concern that this could represent CIS ( carcinoma in situ) and so I went through a blue-light TURBT. Interestingly, the red spots which was seen under white light was negative, but a number of CIS patches lit up under the blue light. They were fully removed, and I continue on with BCG and repeat cystos. I insisted on a second blue-light procedure, even though I had to travel to another city to have it done, and the second one was entirely clear. I had 4 biopsies taken to make sure, and have not had any tumour recurrence since. I do still have red spots, which I feel will always be there, since I later developed a BCG infection in my bladder.

    One idea for you is to ask if you could be referred for blue-light cystoscopy. It is reportedly much more effective at finding CIS. I believe it fully saved me from developing more invasive BC. There are a number of centres in Canada where it is fairly routinely done, but I found I had to ask for it myself.

    Good luck on your journey!


    Hi RCS:

    I concur with what coastaldoc recommends.  Good luck.  ((((HUGS))))

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