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  • #8501

    Hello everyone.

    It’s been almost four weeks since my TURBT and it’s been far from smooth.
    Spent the day in ER a couple of days ago after being in a fair bit of pain for the previous week. Turned out, as I suspected, that the main cause was constipation. That was cleared with an industrial strength laxative. Also had a bladder scan done while there and I showed less than 100ml retention. Since that ER visit my frequency has increased again and I’m now only dribbling. I also still have a dull ache and periodic pain in my bladder. I’m thinking of catheterizing my self to see how much urine I’m retaining. Had anyone else had a experience like that?

    Jack Moon

    Hi Robin
    I have not experienced what you are currently going through. Below is a write up on what most patients go through after a Turbt. Usually a 6 week total recovery period. Did the ERdocs check you urine for any type of infection?
    Wish I could be of more help.
    All the best,


    Yes, urinalysis and bloodworm were done,.Doctor said it looked ok. I know I don’t feel ok.

    Rick B

    Hi Robin,

    I did experience increased frequency with little/dribble at times after my first TURBT and before BCG treatments. My urologists attributed that to bladder spasms primarily because the nerves in the bladder were still recovering from the surgery. In my case we waited for about 8 weeks after my first TURBT before receiving BCG. Not everyone experiences the same, so I understand, as in my case I did not have the severe pain due to constipation as you did.

    As to self catheterizing to determine urine retention, I have no “zero” medical background so my advice on that would be to reconnect with your Urologist for guidance. Sorry, I could not be of more help on this one.

    Be strong and stay positive…God Bless!


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