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Homepage – Forum Forums Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer The Benefits Of Vitamin D

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  • #7639
    Jack Moon

    Copy and paste.
    I personaly have not had a recurrence since taking Vit D3 supplements.


    I’ve been taking Vitamin D for over two years. I heard somewhere that Vitamin D boosts the effectiveness of BCG. I’ll try anything to avoid having to do more of that.


    We are taking Vitamin D daily too. especially since we probably won’t see any sun till June unless we leave town!


    Interesting. My vitamin D levels were low last December before my cancer diagnosis. She ordered blood work because I had been feeling so tired. She also ordered a urinalysis that showed microscopic blood but didn’t think anything of that. Okay – won’t go there! Still makes me mad. Back to vitamin D. I was surprised because I had been taking 1 – 2 vit D pills each day for the last couple of years. My doctor had me increase my dosage to 4 pills a day for a month – then decrease to 2 pills daily. My vit D level remains on the lower level of the normal value. Maybe my body does not process vitamin D efficiently?


    Interesting. we are taking Vit D as a liquid – a couple drops into some chocolate silk in the morning. will need to see what the test is next time. I can’t remember why we chose that but suspect different forms absorb differently.


    I take Vitamin D in drops as per the advice of a lady at a health food shop I go to. She told me that our bodies utilize the liquid forms of most vitamins and supplements better. A lot of vitamins in pill form also have a lot of fillers and you are not getting what you think you are getting. You have to do your homework. When I was low in iron I took a natural liquid iron from the same store. It didn’t have the constipating effects that some of the pill forms have that you get at a regular pharmacy.

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