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  • #8328

    Hello all

    And a premature Happy New Year! I have one more BCG installation to go. I am only having four. So far, pretty good considering. I am going to ask my urologist why only four. I think I posted this issue weeks ago.

    I am becoming very alighhtened as why maybe only four, but I won’t jump too soon. Are others aware we might not be out of the danger zone as far as the BCG shortage goes. Let us consider this drug is only created in a few places in the world and these places had major issues starting back in 2012 or even before.

    I am extremely concerned about the future of this drug because let’s face it folks there is not profit in a cheap drug for companies like Merc Pharm. I am posting this friends because you must be made aware of this and not to alarm anyone.

    The drug used cost about $2,700 a vile now it is about $ 145 a vile. People I am going to raise hell over this. If this was breast cancer the media would have gobbled it up and then some. We need to join ranks and fight for our rights and our drug. With pen in hand I am going to start writing and I won’t stop until there is satisfaction and no fear of such a travesty. In the spring I had a resection and no treatment. I don’t yet know why, but I will speak with my doctor because every one is treated as an individual. Can you imagine the doctor being put in this position “sorry I don’t have any BCG to give at the moment”. This happened all over the US and apparently here too.

    Lemons might be small but they are powerful

    Jack Moon

    Hi Lemongirl

    There was a BCG shortage in 2014.2015 because the manufacturer in Toronto had to discontinue it’s plant operations due to a mold issue. That just left Merck to manufacture the needs for North America and a few other countries. So this created a world shortage of the drug. The shortage has now been rectified. There is also another manufacturer coming on line later in 2016. If you search BCG shortage on the forum you will see everything that has been written. Also go to the home page and see under “news” with several announcements about the BCG shortage.
    All the best with your treatments and hopefully your Uro has answer for you about getting just 4 treatments instead of 6 which is the norm.

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