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    Hey Dude! How many posts can you write consecutively without falling down?

    Well, just to keep you update and stop Greg’s run of posts, i’d like y’all to know that the sale of my company is complete. It was more work to sell it than it was to design, develop and build it. But I’m back. I have to say that’s it’s been very fatiguing. But done, finally. now I can spend more time discounting and discrediting Greg. More time to insult and embarrass him which is my my favorite sport of all time. But I do love the guy so I’ll try to be good. Well, maybe not. And then there is jack. Maybe another post.

    I do of course want to know if anyone missed me.

    Oh, and what the heck do I do with this darn spinal stenosis back pain besides take the advice of my doctors?


    Jack Moon

    Glad your sale is complete, I am sure it was a long drawn out process.
    Yes we sure did miss you, for advice on spinal stenosis, way out of my league.
    Good yo see you back here,


    Kiowa? Kiowa who? I think you’d better introduce yourself so that we know who you are! I used to know a guy who posted regularly on this site who went by that name, but he got tied up in some business deal and the CIA, FBI, NCIS, NSA, IRS and Toys R Us were looking into it. Toys R Us thought he was playing around too much!

    Glad to hear from you Ki. I found it hard to believe you would just abandon us so knew you must have some serious stuff to tale care of. Hope all got sorted the way you need it to be and you can now focus on being well. OK as well as you can be with every condition known to man plaguing you. People tell me I need to grow a spine, but if it stenoses then I think I’ll forget about it.

    Take an aspirin and call me in the morning.

    Spineless Greg


    Good to have you back Ki. Glad to know that the company sale is complete. I thought that one of those federal agencies had kidnapped you and sent you off to Neergog. Let’s break out the tequila and celebrate now that you are back, stenosis and all.


    So happy you’re back Ki. We missed you.

    Rick B

    Good you’re back ki. I have to agree with Greg though in that a re-intro would be in order. I last recall you having something to do with guns and stuff…was that blazing guns? In any case, I guess where you were there was limited or no access to BCC website…LOL

    Rick 🙂 🙂


    Hiya Ki *Waving *

    I was gone too. What will people think heeheehee
    I believe for spinal stenosis back pain. you ignore the doc , and have a bottle of Tequila and a nice massage with warm oil . Plus a trip to Hawaii.
    Hugs, Jeanne

    Hey Dude! How many posts can you write consecutively without falling down?

    Well, just to keep you update and stop Greg’s run of posts, i’d like y’all to know that the sale of my company is complete. It was more work to sell it than it was to design, develop and build it. But I’m back. I have to say that’s it’s been very fatiguing. But done, finally. now I can spend more time discounting and discrediting Greg. More time to insult and embarrass him which is my my favorite sport of all time. But I do love the guy so I’ll try to be good. Well, maybe not. And then there is jack. Maybe another post.

    I do of course want to know if anyone missed me.

    Oh, and what the heck do I do with this darn spinal stenosis back pain besides take the advice of my doctors?


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