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Homepage – Forum Forums Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Sssh . No Condom Sex please.

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  • #38787
    Edwin Castle

    Good morning everyone.

    I am just looking to find out if there is a more definitive answer as to why you must wear a condom after your BCG is finished, other than, we told you to.

    Now let me be clear, if there is still a chance of causing harm to my wife then I have no problem using one, it is mostly her that doesn’t like them.

    The info. I have read says to still use a condom for 6 weeks after you have completed your 6 week BCG treatment, this sounds a little like over kill and have to question the reasoning. Am I still toxic for 6 weeks.

    If it is about the possibility of pregnancy then “Hello” we are old, and so are our spouses, so unless you have a 25 year old girlfriend stashed away somewhere pregnancy is not a real concern.

    I absolutely understand using one during your 6 week BCG treatment, no problem.

    Anyway, does anyone know more about this, we don’t seem to talk about this, and it is a reality for most of us.

    Thanks Ted.

    Jack Moon

    Hi Ted

    I was told same thing by my Uro and was given a pamphlet at the hospital.  As I recall the pamphlet said: men show use a condom during the BCG treatment regime and for 6 weeks following the final treatment. When I questioned my doctor about the 6 week time frame, he really did not have an answer but did say that is the instructions from the manufacturer.

    I did find the same information on the ChemoCare website.

    Wish I could be of more help.


    Edwin Castle

    Thanks Jack.

    I guess I was hoping that the info. was outdated and they had come up with new guide lines. Doesn’t look like it.

    Thanks Ted.


    Hi Ted:

    You have raised a really good question and topic.  This was discussed during my in person support group sessions in Calgary 2012-2016.  Opinions really varied.  Some male participants said they were advised to use them, still others were advised to abstain from sex altogether during BCG and for at least 2-3 weeks afterwards.  They said condom use was not really discussed.

    I also asked this for my own sake when I had to do BCG between 2008-2012.  My then urologist didn’t have a definitive opinion for women.  He did advise the 6 week protocol for men to use condoms based on what he thought that “residual” BCG may remain inside a man’s anatomy for some time and the condom would protect the female partner.

    When it came to women receiving BCG  and wanting to know if they needed their spouses/partners to wear condoms while they were doing treatments the medical jury seemed to be out on that one.  Neither of my two urologists nor the nurses doing the BCG treatments were able to give me a direct answer.  Due to lack of confirmed knowledge regarding safety for my hubby we opted to use condoms for about 2 months after I completed each set of treatments. Pregnancy was not a concern as I was over 50 and had already had a hysterectomy.  I did not have sex during treatments as I was too sore “down below”  and generally felt too crappy from the BCG to even entertain the idea.

    If you are going to be sexually active during BCG treatments and for about a month afterwards, I would strongly recommend the use of condoms and that would be for both genders whether they are the one receiving the BCG or are the partner. Please note that this is just my personal opinion based on my own level of knowledge and personal experiences.  I’m not a medically trained person.  Best of luck going forward.  (((HUGS)))

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