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Homepage – Forum Forums Metastatic Bladder Cancer So Here’s the Scoop

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  • #17124

    The bathrobe prevents heart attacks to those who are following me. Seems I might have been a little early having the pain meds stopped so I have restarted for the night. Feeling ok now. Thanks for all your comments and support. I appreciate it.

    Jack Moon

    Hope to pop by tomorrow, glad you are walking so soon and feeling somewhat ok.
    All the best my friend,


    So glad you are up and on your feet Greg. You should have some sort of membership rewards card to get you a room upgrade! All the best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Al & Joanne


    Dear Greg, wonderful and heart warming to hear from you again! M&M reminded me that Mom insisted to have a second gown worn the ‘normal’ way to make sure her back is covered. Of course I’ve seen a lot of ‘picturesque’ scences! 🙂 So it really depends, whether it prevents or triggers heart attack! Did you know that the rollable meal table has a secret vanity compartment, so you can double check if you look as handsome as always before you get off your bed. And with your good progress, I am sure you will be allowed solid food very soon, but skip the toast, they are the worst ever!!


    Heading home tomorrow. There was too much frivolity in this room and they need the surgical oncology ward to be more sombre. Plus so far I seem to be doing quite well. Up and walking a lot today and eating some little portions of the food developed for diabetic, celiac patients who are weaning their way off clear liquids. When they offered home as an option I jumped at the chance. OK I did not jump – not doing THAT well. But I am blessed and very thankful.



    Wow! who knew my superpowers would work so quickly? I asked for you to get home and sleep in your own bed and the next thing I know, you are going home. Coincidence? I think not.

    Seriously, I am so happy you get to go home so soon. I told you Mike always felt much better at home than in the hospital and I suspect that is true of pretty much everyone.

    Nothing quite like your own bed. May you have many wonderful sleep-filled nights with your wonderful wife beside you.



    Best room upgrade = home!! Do take your own advice…..take it easy!!!



    You must have broken the record of getting home that soon! Take care and Congratulations!


    Greg, you are nothing short of amazing!! Glad that you are well enough to go home. As I’ve said before you deserve to get into the Guiness Book of World Records or some such thing – I’m just blown away at how you’ve managed to find humour in all of this.

    As for fashionable gowns – you’d think with all the advanced technology we have they’d have come up with something for less embarrassing by now. LOL!!

    ((((((BBBBBIIIIGGGGGHHHHUUUUGGGSSS)))) for going home and a speedy uneventful recovery. Keep us posted.

    Rick B


    Glad to hear you are progressing well. Stay strong…you’ve been there for us…we are here for you!!!



    Hi Greg,

    Sorry to hear that you had to go through another surgery . Just wanted to wish you well and a speedy recovery.


    Greg so happy to hear that you made it home. I hope you have nothing short of a miraculous recovery. Take care.



    Welcome home! May your recovery be unevetful ….take care. At least at home you can walk around without your rear end being exposed! “smile” unless you have those designer gowns at home ?


    I always try to avoid saying nice things to or about Greg. That being said, I wish I could take this agony away from you, Greg. It really hurts me to know you have to go through this again. I have no doubt though that the next book will be of the James Mitchner type. If anyone has not read Greg’s first book, you really must do so. Honestly and truly, I have never read such an inspirational book that and one that has changed me for the better. thank you Greg for all you have done for me and for others. I am here for you. Of course competing with your poems is a challenge as they are not nearly as creative and cognitively ambitious as are mine. And now I see Kit is getting in on this. I did learn however that everything on the planet is poemable. Get well my friend. And be prepared for MY next poem! I’ll give you time to pony up.

    With love and prayers,



    Yes, everything is poemable,
    You just end everything with ‘able’; like
    Greg’s recovery is unbelievable,
    Your teasing is unbearable,
    But true, my poems are laughable! :-):-):-)

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