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    I had my my bladder removed in Oct 2012 and afterwards spent two and a half months in hospital ( see my story under my introduction).
    Last Saturday evening, I started to shake violently and called a friend over. I ended up with a run to Peterborough Hospital emerg. It was Sunday afternoon before a nurse actually told me what the proble was. I Had all the X-rays, CT scans, blood, urine and stool tests, but the cause of the problem could not be found. I was put on a broad spectrum anti-biotic on the basis taht I had an infection somewhere. I was O.K on Monday and released on Tuesday.
    I wonder if anyone else has experienced this scary problem

    Keith W
    Lakefield, Ontario


    Did you also have a fever? That is usually an indication of an infection in the body. I haven’t had your experience but I’m glad you’re OK.


    Keith, not sure if what I experienced was what you are describing, but I experienced not just shakes but freezing cold and then when the meds I took for it kicked in, oppressive heat and night sweats. It only ever happened at night but it went on EVERY night for a few months. I thought I was going crazy and wondered if it would ever remedy. It finally did, though I still cannot sleep under a comforter without waking soaking wet – and not from the neobladder but from sweat. I did experience infection about seven weeks post RC but that was resolved with Cipro. These started following that. Hopefully it will not happen again, but if it does, I found that a couple of Tylenol took away the shakes. Of course, I then had to deal with a body that thought it was in a sauna…Hang in there man. It’s a new normal and it takes a lot longer to FULLY recover than one should think it would.


    I have no earthly idea. I could make something up though.


    Hi Greg, Thanks for your reply. I only had the rigors on the Saturday night, Sunday morning (in hospital) and Sunday evening (in hospital). I did have a fever and I was put on anti-biotics for 5 days. I was released on the Tuesday morning and have had no issues since.

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