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IMPORTANT: The Bladder Cancer Canada discussion forum is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The opinions & contents in this forum is for information only and is not reviewed by medical professionals. They are experiences & opinions of patient members like you, and is NOT intended to represent the best or only approach to a situation. Always consult your physician and do not rely solely on the information in this site when making decisions about your health.

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  • #8355

    Well I went for my three month cystoscopy last week . Dr said he seen two red spots . He said it was from the chemo mitomycin c I had instilled after my operation in November . My diagnosis in November was low grade stage ta non invasive . Anyone ever have anything like this . I just pray it’s not CIS . Please get back to me



    Yes, I remember you: Under 45; quit smoking; single, primary, 2cm TaLG tumor.

    I think you are letting the “negative ways” (Donald Sutherland, Kelly’s Heroes) cloud you.

    First. Trust your Urologist. The Urologist is well trained and knows what CIS looks like.
    Second. Around the time of the Cystoscopy, if the Urologist had any doubts either a biopsy would have been performed or a cytology would have been done. A cytology takes the fluid from your bladder and looks for cancer cells. High Grade disease such as CIS can be detected by cytology.
    Third. As stated back in November, you are at LOW Risk. The chances of any progression 3 months after TURBT are in the fraction of 1000ths.
    Finally. Yes, from what I have been told by my Uro, and read, Mitomycin C does irritate the Bladder and some people react more than others. That is one reason why The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) does not use it if there is a plan to administer BCG.

    Trust you Urologist.

    It takes less energy to think positively than to fret and worry about negative things. You are in great shape!

    Take Vitamin A,E, and Lactobacillus Casei daily.

    Go out and Live!

    God Bless



    Hey I hope you get this . I went for my follow up . No cancer cells in cytology report . Red spots were inflammation from chemo and I don’t have to see him again till September – six months . Pretty lucky eh ?



    Thanks for the following-up (I had an email notification in my “inbox”).

    Continue to think Positive!

    Take Vitamin A, E and Lactobacillus Casei Daily

    Like I said, Put this behind you and Live!

    God Bless


    P.S. Just to explain why I always recommend the Vitamins See “Guidelines” section at the end of the document and look for the 5th bullet from the bottom on this link:,english/

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