I’m having some difficulty using this new site, so maybe not in the right place for this post/reply. I’m 4 months post cystectomy now and was feeling pretty good a few weeks ago, but now I’m dragging, more anxious and have lots of mucous in my urine. My last blood tests were really pretty decent – so no idea what’s wrong. I wonder if there’s anyone out there with fungal infection knowledge in conjunction with ileal conduit (just a guess on my part). I don’t have a fever, chills or any immediate medical issue, external incisions healed reasonably well, just feel like I’m sliding backward. Is there a medical specialty category for analyzing unexplained issues – it certainly wouldn’t be my GP, he just does the same blood tests over and over. Its very difficult to get in to see my oncologist/surgeon – extremely busy. I have 2 other medical conditions – sleep apnea (CPAP controlled), I’m subclinical hypothyroid (untreated), and 1 more side issue. I need to pull up my socks soon as we should move from the house we’re in and would love to be able to plan some travel, but don’t feel stable enough to go anywhere other than the local mall for a walk. Would like some advice on how to make some progress toward my goals.