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  • #7743

    my husband had RC surgery on Feb 22. Did very well post op in the hospital, stayed there for 8 days. Everything was good at home for the first 2 days but now and for the last 10 days he has been experiencing very frequent loose bowel movements, constant urge to go, rectal preassure and at the end of each bowel passing a painfull member enlargment, that goes away. He is very discuraged, doesn’t want to eat anything. Nothing seems to help. Tried Immodium, probiotics, nothing. When we mentioned it to his urologist, the response was ” I don’t know why this is happening”….. Has anyone on this site experienced something like this? I know 3 weeks post op is early, but it has been terrible so far. I’d appreciate your input.
    Thank you


    Forgot to add, my husband has ileal conduit .


    Have heard variations on the same theme and experienced them too! It seems bowel issues are a common complaint – either too loose or constipated – often accompanied with pain, pressure and urge. The member enlargement I can only dream about (but seriously it will perhaps have something to do with the pushing/pressure). Three weeks post-op IS early and I’m sorry to say he will likely have some weeks of abnormal throne-room activity. Obviously, if there is abnormal pain or bleeding or blockage, etc. getting medical advice is imperative. I thought the bowel issues would never end, but they did, though it is still a new normal over two years later. Not a concern now though. At the time I can safely say it was about the worst part of the whole recovery for me.


    Greg, thank you for your reply and a little humour ( you really don’t want to dream about this part thou)

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