IMPORTANT:The Bladder Cancer Canada discussion forum is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The opinions & contents in this forum is for information only and is not reviewed by medical professionals. They are experiences & opinions of patient members like you, and is NOT intended to represent the best or only approach to a situation. Always consult your physician and do not rely solely on the information in this site when making decisions about your health.
Did that get your attention? OK, well that is what my doc said. Pink. Recent 6 month cysto. Bladder is nice and pink. He said it looks perfect. I think this makes four years since my last bout with BC. He is keeping me on a 6 month cysto schedule which is fine with me. H is taking no chances. the PSA is about as low as one can get. Thought I would share the news and I thank all of you for keeping me in your thoughts prayers and subconscious. You may recall that back in around 2009-2010 my BC returned after 17 years absent and I had a tough time with it and multiple sugeries, BCG, etc. Valstar was used and since that time I have been clear.
I’m glad it’s not in your eye. Pink eye is no fun, I understand. But a pink bladder must be fun. Why does yellow urine come from a pink bladder? Hmm. Of course, if you eat beets then you will get pink urine. Really pleased for you, Ki. We have missed you around here. Well, some of us have. Not me particularly since you are so mean to me. But others have missed you a lot. OK, I missed you a little bit…
If Greg keeps trolling he end up up with a line. He always has a line. This one will be wrapped around an appendage. Appendage, not appendix. I love you too Gregory.
Great news on the all clear!!! Pink nails with high red heels would make for both an interesting and Supportive fashion statement. Not to be confused with a heel (also known as a rudo in lucha libre)…:)