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IMPORTANT: The Bladder Cancer Canada discussion forum is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The opinions & contents in this forum is for information only and is not reviewed by medical professionals. They are experiences & opinions of patient members like you, and is NOT intended to represent the best or only approach to a situation. Always consult your physician and do not rely solely on the information in this site when making decisions about your health.

Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic Patient Information Mtg. – Winnipeg

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  • #7544

    Can’t thank everybody enough for the excellent turnout at our first patient information meeting in Winnipeg. All of the speakers were excellent. Many of the people that came were very happy with the information provided. I myself learned a lot of things about bladder cancer that I had not even known considering my involvement with bladder cancer. Thank you Tammy, David and Greg and anyone else that helped make the night come together. Look forward to seeing people at the walk on September 23rd!

    Jack Moon

    On behalf of all of us bladder cancer surviors, thanks Ken and Wendy for all your hard work in making the patient meeting a huge success.
    All the best with your 5K Walk in Winnipeg, then you can take a break for a while :))


    I’m glad to know that the night went well.

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