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  • #8578

    OK, I’ll just keep re-posting this until someone responds to it. You know how easily my feelings get hurt. Of course if you send me a bottle of good tequila I’ll forget the whole thing.

    “After many years of research there is a new type of scanner now in use in two hospitals in texas. You all know about the traditional X-rays, the CAT scan (computerized axial tomography), the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imagery) and the PETT scan (positron emission transaxial tomography). The new one, interestingly is cann a DOG scan (Digitalized Occillary Granular imaging) also called DOGI. It has nothing to do with a PETT as does the CAT but still interesting. It takes a deliberate grainy image (like a super blown up photograph or an old time type film camera picture) from an analog quick scan, then digitalizes it into a very grainy image. The grainy image converted from analog to digital actually shows up in B+W but highlights cellular aberrations in a distinctive gray. So I guess if you have a CAT you could also have a DOGI. This is true, really, I made it up myself.




    I guess I have to have another talk with Lizzie. Sigh And here I thought you were getting better .
    Silly me 😛 <<<< that should really be gooseberry


    Well, my dogs liked it. But I’ll get better soon, Jeanne. I promise to keep posing it though until I get at least 12 replies, one of which has to be Greg. And Greg nevers misses an opportunity to try to out shine me. He never can, but the poor boy tries at least. Even Jack might reply, just to get me out of here and onto to G course. G stands for Gravity and Golf. You didn’t think I meant…..did you?; OMG.



    I just don’t know how to reply to this one, Ki. Other than to say I think that it is “CATastrophic” that you seem to be going to the “DOGs”. Do you need an IV with any of these exams? I’m sending you some tequila just in case. I hope that Greg can do me one better on this one.


    Doggone it, I try to get away on vacation and I have to deal with cat scans, pet scans, dog scans. There is a real theme here. I guess this gives them a bird’s eye view of what is going on inside. Do they operate the computer with a mouse? Do they have to snake a catheter in anywhere? Sounds fishy.

    Well, I geese that’s all for now. I’m ducking out for supper. I hope I don’t have a beef with the waitress. I am hungry. I’d be lion if I said I wasn’t.


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