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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic Ok,. who took it?

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  • #7579

    It was summer and now it’s gone..
    I see yellow leaves on my Maple tree.

    I would think the guy in Texas…but he likes summer.
    Got to be a Northerner… confess and save the investigation fees .

    Never got my last bbq in since the bees are out in full force trying to find their last meal..they seem to think it is me.


    I took it. Sorry. I hate fall and winter, except here where it never gets to be fall and winter, not the way you guys have it. We can gold, play tennis, wear shorts, go swimming, and cut the grass all year long. I like that. And no snow shoveling, no freezing rain, no heavy winter clothes to wear, no boots, just sunshine. I feel bad for non South Westerners. Gets cold in the desert at night, but hot during the day. I’m staying here. And I’ll keep stealing your summers too! HA!


    I did it. I’m sorry. Won’t happen again. Hope you freeze your ….off though!


    Hope you freeze your ….off though!

    A bit of it would not be missed , lol


    Ok , it was you after all.


    Yeah Jeanne. And I’ll do it again too!

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