I am fairly confident that all of you have been in sticky situations before. All that red tape. Well tape in general actually. I’m talking about masking tape, Scotch tape, packaging tape etc. You know the problem. It gums up dispensers, you always pull too much off the roll, it sticks too itself, you end up with tape sticking to your fingers and clothes and wrapping presents is a real headache. And the tape leaves a messy residue and sometimes you can;t remove it at all. We’ve all been there. ANd the tape on Band aids is no better and you need to remove some of your skin to get them off. As a side note, I discoved that hydrogen peroxide is excellent at removing tape resideu.
Now for the great news: I have, after many years, successfully developed a totally no stick tape that prevents all of the problems with other tapes. No residue, totally removable without pain or tearing, does not stick to dispensers and does not stick to your skin or clothes or anything else. The world’s first non stick tape. Patent pending.