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Homepage – Forum Forums Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Newly diagnosed in Kingstontown

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    I am a breast cancer survivor , in 2005 I lost my sister to uretor cancer. She was 49. My husband was recently diagnosed with high grade CIS on bladder and prostate. He goes for surgery on Thursday. He does not have an inquiring mind when it comes to his health but I on the other hand have many questions. He has a wonderful urologist and we are fortunate to live in a city with an excellent cancer centre and teaching hospital. On one hand cancer seems to have become a friend of the family so to speak but on the other hand there are the moments of fear of the unknown. I have simple questions such as can he return to work right away (home depot) , will he do the BCG routine and what does the future hold? I am very glad to have found this site and think I will be visiting often on this journey. My sister’s cancer was from smoking despite being in incredible physical shape, no doubt my husband’s is due to his long smoking habit ( now quit) and I lost three female friends over Christmas from smoking related cancers! People we meet are so surprised when we tell them that smoking is a key risk for bladder cancer. Thanks for this site and herenisbto the journey!


    HI Shar!
    Welcome to our site but sorry that you have need to be here. Congrats on surviving breast cancer. That’s no small feat. I’m sorry to learn of your hubby’s BC. CIS can be a bit tricky but the route he will follow will depend on the pathology results from the surgery. Samples will be taken from the surgery and sent to be analyzed. The results usually take 10-14 days. The surgery is called a TURBT (Transurethral resection of Bladder Tumour). Make sure that you get a copy of the the results and the doc should explain what is next. If te cancer is superficial and not invaded the bladder muscle BCG is a possible followup. I had papillary tumours with a few CIS spots and BCG has worked well for me. A TURBT takes a few days to about a month to fully recover from. It is done by the doc inserting a resectoscope up the urethra and the tumours are cut or cauteried out. He should avoid heavy lifting for 4-6 weeks as the removal leaves open wounds on the bladder wall. Rest with short walks and a good diet are the best way to heal quickly. How soon he goes back to work will depend on how he feels and what his duties are. If his job does involve lifting then he should talk to his supervisor about restricted hours and duties for about a month. As for the BCG the side effects vary from person to person. Some people have few effects and work through treatment. I was not one of those. I alwys felt like I had a good dose of the flu. I booked the day of treatment off and the following two days so I could rest and recover. He will have to followup with regular cystoscopy exams for life. The usual schedule is every 3 months for 2 years, then every 6 months for two yeasr and then annual for at least 10 years although most docs recommend for life. This schedule could vary a bit depending on how things go. The important thing is to always know what the next step is by asking the doc. Good luck for Thursday. Let us know how things go.


    Hi Shar58:
    My TURBTs were usually on a Thursday or Friday and I took the weekend to recuperate. I have an office job and went back to work on the Monday. Ask the doc about any physical restrictions. I personally found no issues but some do I understand. BCG is a common treatment (usually six weeks of one instilation per week) depending on the diagnosis, but the pathology report will determine next steps. As Sue says, frequent cystos will be in his future. As you know, this is a highly recurring disease and many have TURBTs more than once (I had 6). Others find the treatments stop the cancer in its tracks and need no addition treatments or TURBTs. If BCG or other intravesical chemo is required, his ability to return to work will be very individual. I always took the day of treatment off but then went in the next day. Others take more time and it depends on how he reacts to the chemicals.
    Be encouraged.

    Jack Moon

    Hi Shar

    Sorry your husband has been diagnosed with bladder cancer.
    The Turbt and lab results will determine the plan of action.
    Insure you get a copy of the pathology report. If the CIS is noninvasive usually BCG would be the choice of treatment.
    I have had 3 Turbts, and length of time to recover did vary from a couple of days to 1 week.
    Please keep us posted on how your husband is doing. We have many very experienced members that can assist with any questions you both may have.
    All the best,


    My suggestion is to embrace him, comfort him, and stay strong for him. Make sure he is comfortable. Ignore any bad mood. God bless.


    Thanks for the support and information. Surgery went well and now it is a waiting game for results. Surgeon does not want to talk about any type of treatment until he has reviewed the pathology report. Wayne is felling good except his back has gone out … He suspects the epidural? I am dealing with this by planning a bladder cancer walk here in September to raise awareness.

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