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IMPORTANT: The Bladder Cancer Canada discussion forum is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The opinions & contents in this forum is for information only and is not reviewed by medical professionals. They are experiences & opinions of patient members like you, and is NOT intended to represent the best or only approach to a situation. Always consult your physician and do not rely solely on the information in this site when making decisions about your health.

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  • #8673

    hello my name is rick age 53 married with five children and 8 grandchildren i started having problems April 2012 at stage T2
    Scheduled for surgery on Oct 30/12 will be getting a Neobladder if they can do it.
    scared to death first operation in my life hoping that i will still be able to fish and hunt with my family when all done.


    Rick, sorry to hear you are having these issues and will now need an RC with a neobladder. Was in the same place two years ago with T2G3 tumours and had an RC with a neobladder. Big surgery, long recovery, some issues can impact you like infections, constipation, low energy, loss of appetite, weakness, weight loss. But these things you will get through a day at a time and will notice improvement week over week rather than day over day. You will certainly get back hunting and fishing, but it will take some time before you have the energy, the stamina and probably the desire to do so. Take your time. A bit of a learning curve with respect to the neo and regaining continence. Been there, done that, living life to the full now with a new normal but generally a good one. I was 55 when I had mine done in December 2010. Happy to chat with you by phone or private message or on the public site here too as will others. Feel free to call -just private message me and we’ll get phone numbers exchanged. If you don’t want to do that, no problems. But it helps to talk it through. I had a wonderful guy who helped me through when I was going through this. He was not afraid to answer any question and that really helped. Many on this site feel the same way and will answer anything for you and encourage and lsupport. Don’t go through it alone when you don’t need to. All the best. Keep us posted.

    Jack Moon

    Hi Rick

    Sorry you have been diagnosed with bladder cancer and need to have your bladder replaced. I am one of the fortunate ones who was diagnosed with non muscle invasive bladder cancer and I still have my original equipment.
    We have many experienced and knowledgeable members that have gone through the surgery you will be having at the end of the month. I recommend you take Greg up on his offer to speak to you. Greg has assisted many patients over the past few years that were having this surgery.
    All the best,


    Rick, I too am sorry to hear that you are now in need of an RC with a Neobladder, like Greg I am coming up on two years on November 03, yes it is scary, but trust me there is light at the end of the tunnel. Unlike you I did not know of this wonderful forum then, but was given 3 other neobladder patients names to call. This made all the difference in the world, just knowing you are not alone and that there is life after the surgery, this was the biggest hurdle to overcome. As Greg states there are issues and setbacks, but none that can not be rectified over time. The first few weeks are the worst and as with anything new you need to walk before you can run, but it does get better much better. Like Greg please feel free to contact me, there are no subjects that cannot be addressed and so don’t be ashamed or afraid to ask, my pride went out the door in surgery. Please ask questions before and don’t be afraid to call after your surgery as things will come up that only someone who has experienced the same can relate to.
    Personally I basically live my life as before, just turned 59, life is good.



    Thank you all for your support i will probably need all your support after my surgery. Just need to make sure all is in order for now will contact for support after my surgery lots to do right now to get ready


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