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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic Nagassin here I come

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  • #7884

    Well it’s that time of year again where hubby and I head up to Lake Nagassin in Northern Ontario near Chapleau Ontario for our vacation. Needless to say there is no internet up there so I’ll be gone until mid Sept. I hope all that are having tests get good results as I soak up some sunshine. It looks like this rainy weather we’ve been having is about to change so I definitely see vitamin d on the horizon. Hopefully we can find the good fishing spots & have a few fish fries while we are up there. Nothing like cool evenings and warm days to soothe the soul. Take care all & I’ll catch you on the other side of Sept.

    Jack Moon

    Have a great time Flo. Send us pics of the big ones you catch.
    All the best,




    Enjoy your holiday and regal us with fish tales when you get back!!


    Hope you’re having a wonderful time!

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