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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic MY THANKS TO BCC

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    I want to take this opportunity too say thank you to BCC and wish each and everyone of you, including all readers out there, a very happy, fruitful and meaningful thanksgiving and Christmas and to wish everyone a fantastic new year. I wish all of you good health. I especially want to thank Jack and David and all of those who, including and especially its members, have made this site what it is today. It is the only site truly dedicated to sincerely helping those who have, or know someone who has, bladder cancer. It is a site developed and implemented by those who have or had BC and it is a site that through it’s members and raised lots of money for research, have personally assisted individuals and communities and have through this site offered love, compassion and hope. My special thanks to the man whose warm heart, vision and steadfastness made all this possible. Jack, thank you!



    Amen to that Ki. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all our American members on this site.

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