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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic My son’s room was a landfill…

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    Yesterday was cleanup day at our house. My son had done some ordered cleanup of his room but I decided to do a recheck while he was at work. I’m glad I did. The little stinker (not so little – he is 2 inches taller than I) had just shoved most of the garbage into his closet. Needless to say I got really p**** off and reved my engines. I razed his room. Now it is super clean. He wasn’t happy about the invasion of privacy. I don’t like it either but I told him that we expect certain standards of cleanliness in the house and I have the right to enforce it. Since I did the cleaning I made him sort the “landfill” contents and haul it to our garbage and recycle bills at the alley. He wasn’t too keen on hauling it through almost 2 feet of snow!! LOL! The work was worth it though. I discovered a packet of unused bus tickets, 2 house keys and a few other long missing items not to mention a whole ton of pennies. As Jeanne said in her other post someday I will say “Bison”. I will miss him no doubt but not the mess. 😛


    When our boys didn’t listen, I told them keep it clean or I will toss ALL your clothes in the garbage.

    Of course nothing changed, so one day I took everything that wasn’t hung up or in a drawer (almost all their clothes) and put them in bags in MY closet.
    When they got home they were frantic after going to their room.
    Running to me “Where are our clothes?!!!”
    In the dumpster…I told you what I would do.

    After them dumpster diving for half hour , I showed them the bags of clothes. Then I said , put them away , hang them up , and keep it that way or next time you won’t have them/
    Problem solved. Man were they ever mad! lol but it worked


    I did that once to both my sons. Actuallly it was necessary to have EPA come in and my whole house was condemned as toxis waste.



    How is he doing with the room ? Did you have to burn his clothes? lol


    Actually we’ve had a major cleanout. We’re doing major renos starting with the downstairs where his room is and he temporarily has to reside in an upstairs bedroom. I also found another missing housekey! As for his clothes – some of them should be burned as they reek of BO. But my hubby said (jokingly) if I burned them we are at risk of burning the house down as we’re sure that his clothes are combustible with all the BO! LOL!:P


    OMG… well, hang in there..they actually DO grow up! lol


    Yeah, I know that they do grow up. He has threee older bros that are now fully independent. They were just a bit neater than this one. Our second son always had a messy room but it was contained there. The youngest has to be nagged to clean up after himself everywhere in the house. I don’t know if girls go through this but on the positive side I figure if that is all I have to complain about with him I consider myself lucky. He is a good kid, just a bit immature and sloppy is all. LOL!


    My daughters room was a complete mess till she had to clean her own house! lol
    Daughters are no different in my view.

    Thank goodness they grow up! lol


    You have not seen a boy’s room as bad as my niece’s room. Fron age 11 to present (now age 18) it is more of a back drop for a horror movie. No one, I mean no one can get in there. She knows where to step without killing anyone under the piles but no ones knows.

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