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IMPORTANT: The Bladder Cancer Canada discussion forum is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The opinions & contents in this forum is for information only and is not reviewed by medical professionals. They are experiences & opinions of patient members like you, and is NOT intended to represent the best or only approach to a situation. Always consult your physician and do not rely solely on the information in this site when making decisions about your health.

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  • #8598

    Hey All : Updates are in~~~ Guess ill start at the beginning. About a year and a half ago i went for a complete Medical . At that time doctor seen small amount of blood when i passed my water but related it to my sugar di beatise . Knowing all this time some thing just wasn’t quite rite when i went to bathroom but trusted Doctor . While kimmy and i were in Missouri in late Sept i once again went to a doctor there…they gave me a cat scan…and found a tumor in my bladder that needed attention rite away. Kimmy and I then came back to Calgary to deal with this..Two hours after seeing the doctor here i was in the hospital waiting for operation….Today i seen the Doctor that Operated…his First question was how was i feeling..I told him much better…He then said he had some concern that he had only got 92% of the cancer as it was the size of a apple…He then drew a picture of my bladder and told me there were three layers to a bladder and my cancer had gone threw the first and second layer and was starting on the third and final layer….and that was what concerned about. They what to make sure they get 100% of it. Sooooooo The Big Cancer Hospital here will give me my next options next week …First being chemo two times to see if it kills the rest of the cancer ..Then to either remove my bladder and prostate and replace it with either them making me a new bladder for inside or having a bag on the outside……I want you all to no..i am not stressed…and am not sick…..this to will pass…..Because i am not sick i am treating this like i am getting my teeth out and going to have to live with false teeth the rest of my life. lol…Please don’t make this all sound worse than it is when thinking about this…Remember Gods Healing hands were with that Doctor that Day and i believe they were cause i had asked for that on the operating table…!! Thank You God !!


    Hi Wisey-4 Glad to see you have a sence of humor . You are right this is a big
    big thing. You will find lots of help on this web site.Here we have all faced this cancer.Ask any questions you what, also use the links at the top of the site for more info.God bless for the journey to come.


    Thanks for the reply , For me it is now a waiting game till the phone rings this coming week….Doctor told me I would be getting one from the ..Tom Baker Cancer Hospital here this week to come in….fingers are crossed. Thanks again.


    Hi there Wisey-4, welcome to the forum. People on here are a great source of information, or else they can point you in the right direction to get it, if they don’t have it. Good luck with your upcoming treatments and surgery and be sure to come back on here to let us know what’s happening with you.

    Take care.


    Thanks shelties , and Hi…Little Bit about my life now..I am Canadian and wife American. Married a year and a half ago after becoming Widowed. Anyways we made a home for are selves in Missouri and were in the middle of making a home also in Canada cause of all my Medical Benefits…was hoping to make are Canadian home on east coast… Now all this Bladder thingy has come up to kind of put are life in limbo…we are so grateful for now for my sister here in Calgary for a place to stay….Take care Monty …..( so a bit Stressed when i put my Mind in Gear ) lol.

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