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    I know that drinking plenty of water will help thin out the mucous from my neo, but does anyone know any foods that can affect the amount produced?

    On 9/21/16 I had a RC with neo. Continence is still improving, but I still have ‘uh-oh’ moments. These generally end up being mucous leaks.

    I should also say that I am currently receiving Atezolizumab in a clinical drug trial at Sunnybrook in Toronto. This began mid-December. I have no idea if this could be influencing the amount of mucous.

    So… them’s the facts. If anyone knows of any foods to increase/decrease, I would appreciate hearing from you.



    Hi Sue

    I had my RC April 2016. Like you I have my oops moments. First thing that comes out when I urinate is some mucous. I think, though, that since the neobladder is made of bowel, it is just in it’s nature to create some mucous. If there is such a thing as a change of diet to reduce the mucous, it would also reduce the mucous in your bowels, which is probably not a good idea. Unfortunately, I think this is just one of the things we have to put up with.



    Hi Sue
    I had my RC/RP October 31 2014. In my case, I have an Indiana Pouch, and it too is made from bowel and as such, produces a certain amount of mucous. I was told that the amount would reduce over time, but that does not appear to be the case. It doesn’t create any real problem as such, and I believe that it is just one of those things I have to live with. As a point of interest though, every now and then, the pouch seems to go through a “self-cleaning ” mode and a large amount of mucous discharges through the catheter without any disruption to the normal operation of the pouch.I would agree with Stephen on the possible effect of reducing mucous affecting the bowels.


    Dave Summerton

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