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Homepage – Forum Forums Metastatic Bladder Cancer Mike defying all odds – he is still with us

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    Hi All,

    Thank you so much for your messages of support. I was most certain, and so were the doctors and nurses, that Mike would pass either Friday or Saturday. Well, as always, Mike likes to do things his own way. He is still in a coma and still with us. He is hanging in there which is truly amazing seeing as he has not had any food since Sunday October 6th and no water since last Tuesday. He is not on IV. The only thing he has is pain medication to keep him comfy.

    Wow…his heart and lungs are very strong and are what is keeping him with us and maybe a wee bit of Irish stubbornness.

    This, however, is the hardest thing I have ever had to witness and would not wish it on anyone. I am lucky to be surrounded with love and support including my BCC virtual hugs. My Mom and sister, Louise, are here and have been since last Wednesday night.

    I can only hope for him that he decides to say Au Revoir soon.



    Thinking of and praying for you both and all your family. I think Mike is catching up on the sleep he was deprived of with his neo nightly routine!

    Monique, we’re with you as much as we can be at least in thought.




    i echo greg sentiments
    lots of gentle hugs for you all


    ((((((BIG HUGS)))))) Monique. I have to tell you I went through the exact same thing with my Dad in 2011. He succumbed to prostate cancer but not without a huge fight. I got a call from my bro Dec 2010 that Dad was fading fast. I was in the middle of my second round of BCG. I managed to get that done and then flew out to Ontario early January 2011. I was lucky that I had 10 days with him. For the first 5 he was bedridden but conscious. The nurse said he had a week at best. The 6th day I went to the nursing home early AM and he was in a bad way after having a really good day before meaning being alert and still eating. He collapsed and had to be put on oxygen. He lapsed quickly into unconsciousness. I called my bro at work and he arrived about an hour later. That began a 5 almost 6 day bedside vigil. It was tough as we knew he could pass at anytime so we didn’t dare leave him. Nursing home staff were great and kept us fed and let us use the shower and facilities. They felt bad that they didn’t have a palliative care room for us however we made do. As tired as we were my bro and I decided to talk about as many memories as we could since we were told by the nurses that Dad could probably still hear us. What kept Dad going was that the doctor said he had a very strong heart and lungs. We also figured that Dad was just stubborn as well. We repeatedly told Dad that we would be OK and it was alright to leave us, that Mom was waiting for him etc. etc. That is what we gave Dad as a final gift….Lots of good memories, jokes etc. I realized afterwards the blessing was that I reconnected with this bro that I’ve seen very little of over the past several years.
    Like you it is not something that I’d wish on anyone but I still cherish the memories of those final days. (((((HUGS))))) again. We’re here for you.

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