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Homepage – Forum Forums Raising Awareness May 25 Toronto Patient Education Meeting

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  • #7764

    I know everyone got a notice about the Toronto Patient Education meeting on May 25th. If you are within 100 miles of Toronto you should sign up. The last one two years ago was a really good day of information and fellowship. Got to put faces to names we’d only contacted on this forum. This year’s agenda looks terrific and, having heard several of the speakers before, i can tell you they will engage and educate you: Doctors, patients, nutritionist, psychologist. And David, our chairman and Jack, our president want to meet you.

    It’s easy to get to in the west end, the parking is plentiful and the organizers have done a great job as far as I can see.

    I’ll be there. So will a lot of the names you see on this site.

    Will you?

    Jack Moon

    Looking forward to seeing many of my friends and getting to meet so many that I have spoken to over the past few years. Great line up of speakers including our own Greg and Zina.


    If Mike is well enough we will be there….we registered so we are planning on making sure he IS well enough. How’s that for positive thinking??

    See you in May. I need to meet all you wonderful supporters.



    So looking forward to meeting you both in person. Be well in the meantime.


    Malcolm and I will be attending and looking forward to meeting many from this forum, as well as learning from the conference presenters.

    Lots of hotels nearby – register and join in the learning and camaraderie atmosphere.



    [strong]Watch this space this week.[/strong]

    The agenda for this conference in Toronto on [strong]May 25th[/strong] is due out this week and you will be getting a blast by e-mail.

    If you have not signed up yet, please do so asap. It will be well worth the time spent and will enable you to learn and make new friends. Sometimes we can feel quite isolated with bladder cancer. This will break that cycle in one day!

    Check out the home page.

    Jack Moon

    I am so looking forward to seeing my friends and finally putting a face to so many of you I have spoken to on the phone.
    They are actually letting me speak to you all at the conference, so I can share why I co-founded this organization and how important sharing our experiences really means to us all. We have a big mountain to climb but we are getting to the top step by step.
    BCC = Bladder Cancer Cure
    Hugs to you all,

    Jack Moon

    Less than a week away, still time to register!

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