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    I bought a Farmer’s Almanac yesterday and for anyone who has read them you know that they are full of interesting trivia; Here is a fun math thing to try out. I did and it works. Use a calculator if you’re not a math whiz. (I’m not).
    Write down the first three numbers of your phone number (not the area code).
    Multiply by 80
    Add 1
    Multiply by 250
    Add the last four digits of your phone number
    Add the lastt four digits of your phone number a second time
    Subtract 250
    Divide by 2

    The result should be your 10 digit phone number

    Ain’t math grand?


    Well, that was plain old amazing! I am so bad at math…that was fun! lol


    I had a wonderful math teacher in high school and he was so patient with those of us like me that struggled with the subject. Thanks to him I can do the basics of math quite decently – just don’t ask me to do calculus, geometry or triginometry!! HOwever from time to time I do enjoy these fun type puzzles.


    That is based on an old algorithmic formula that I wrote in 1892. Thanks for the compliments



    Was that before or after you invented the telephone, Kiowa?



    Actually it was before but I had already had ideas about the phone. Marconi and I used to discuss it.


    Actually it was before but I had already had ideas about the phone. Marconi and I used to discuss it.


    I didn’t know macaroni could talk, Kiowa. Boy, the things you learn as you get older.

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