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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic Mary Sue Pick on week

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  • #7845

    oh Marysue,
    I feel so blue
    for my Marysue,
    A great kind hearted dinosaur she is
    and can be reached at http://WWW.Mary
    I can’t help but wonder if she is ,the REAL Mary Sue
    Mary Sue oh Mary Sue,

    Best I can do at the moment. But it really is Mary sue week, somewhere.



    Mary Sue had cancer too,
    But now she may be finally through.
    No tumours for our lady now,
    Well might the novice ask her how?
    The doc did t-u-r-b-t
    But still she was not cancer free.
    So B C G was put inside
    To kill the cells that tried to hide.
    Poor Mary Sue did not enjoy
    That treatment, thought it would destroy
    The very organ she would save,
    She tried real hard to be so brave.
    But finally all has settled down
    Out west in upscale cowboy town.
    She’s cancer free for now at least
    The treatments finally tamed the beast.
    But always will she have to scope
    No cancer cells, that’s what we hope.
    So now for Mary Sue we cheer
    May she forever be “all clear.”

    Happy Mary Sue week!


    Thanks for the great poems guys!


    Happy Mary Sue week.

    By the weay, when are we going to have an Old Fart Day? Greg?


    Ki, do you really want to go there? What the ??


    Kiowa and Greg shuffling down the road
    Look like they are carrying such a heavy load.

    People watch them pass
    Then they smell the gas

    Suddenly they all depart
    staying away from each old fart

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