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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic March came in like lion….

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    We got whalloped with a winter storm on Sunday. The official reading at the airport was 13cms but we had 15-20 on my side of town… My son for the first time actually volunteered to go and shovel the snow. I felt like saying “who are you and what did you do with my son?” LOL! That being said I hope March goes out like a lamb…But that might be wishful thinking as the weathernetwork’s long distance prediction for spring has said for Calgary and Edmonton is snow through to May…UGH!


    We got a nice amount of snow today. We needed it badly.
    Got the birds in a frenzy though…NO FOOD! So I fed them very well.
    Had the closest yet contact with a coyote.
    One climbed right over the fence as I was feeding the stray cat. Lucky they are more afraid of me than I am of them. But we were eye to eye.

    Kitty ate and disappeared fast! He is smart , but didn’t even realize the coyote was there . If I was in the house, might have been a different outcome.

    Close call!

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