I heard this one on TV recently. hopefully I got it right……
This guy wants to try out his brand new convertible car. He starts down the road and steps on the gas doing about 60 mph, all of a sudden he sees flashing lights in his rear view mirror, the policeman gestures for him to pull over, he hesitates, then decides to floor the gas pedal and speeds away from the policeman doing over 100 mph.
Five miles down the road the policeman catches up to him and forces him off the road. The policemen slowly gets out of his car and walks up to the speeding driver shaking his head and says “I’m tired, it’s the end of the week and I just want to get home, if you give me one really good reason why you didn’t stop and pull over back there I’ll let you go, otherwise it’s off to jail for you”.
The driver turns to the policeman and says “two weeks ago my wife of 15 years left me for a policeman. I thought that was you trying to bring her back!”