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Homepage – Forum Forums Get Involved!… Join us for Canada Walks For Bladder Cancer 2022!

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  • #42678

    Hello! My name is Theresa Blondin and I am honoured to introduce myself as the Manager of Volunteers & Community Programs for Bladder Cancer Canada. I will be supporting all BCC programs and establishing a new and more structured national volunteer program.

    We are gearing up for our annual awareness walk in September and we are looking for volunteers to get involved!

    This year our walk aims to engage more patients, family, and friends, raise more funds for research and patient support, and represent more communities across Canada. We cannot do it without you!

    We are looking for volunteers to join us as:
    1. Walk Leads – organize, plan & execute an awareness walk in your community
    2. Walk Committee Members – join a committee to help plan a walk in your community
    3. Event Day Volunteers – join us on event day to ensure the success of the event!

    Together, with your support, we can have more participants walking in every city across Canada!

    Please email me at for more information or to get invovled!

    We cannot wait to walk with you in 2022!


    Hi Theresa,

    Thanks for putting this out there, and welcome to Bladder Cancer Canada! From personal experience, I can say that being a walk lead is very rewarding.  Two years ago, I joined up with 2 other people and together we organised and managed the walk in Hamilton.  We were able to get the Hamilton TigerCats to allow us to set up a tent outside the stadium prior to the Labour Day classic and get people to donate to the cause.  When the game started we got to watch the game and were rewarded with a victory by the TigerCats.

    As I understand it, the Walk is our major fund raiser and the bulk of it goes towards helping Bladder Cancer Patients.  I hope we get folks to sign up and help this very worthy cause.

    Come on Folks!…



    We are officially accepting applications for EVENT DAY VOLUNTEERS!

    If you would like to help out at a local event, apply here.

    Thanks in advance for your interest!


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