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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic I’ve decided to brag

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  • #8586

    Lost weight like doc said to, and even bought a bathing suit .
    At 70 years old , never thought I’d wear one.
    I am happy that the doctor was right. Heart good, bones good, diabetes gone,
    bc going on good for 5 years doc said.
    Got over my stroke, my heart attack, diabetes, gallbladder attack, bcancer,

    So here I am ….I do dye my hair though. 🙂


    Well done Jeanne. No point just being alive when you can actually live!
    I did think it would be a bikini though…sigh.



    I said I was happy, not insane. But I have bikini pics , But this is the closest I will come at 70 lol,

    Going to wear to the family picnic in July. Should shock everyone pretty good ,lol


    Wow Jeanne! You look great!

    I hear Greg is going out to get a mankini.



    With bladder cancer, I have been exposing myself to myriads of people for the last six years, especially at a teaching hospital. I do not allow cameras in the room, however. And the burn is slowly changing to a tan in much of the area of radiation, though it is amazing that the burn continues to develop in some areas for a couple of weeks following the last treatment. Trust me.

    However, if I look as good as Jeanne does at 70 I’ll be happy! Though I no doubt will be insane by then.


    Looking good girl! I hope I’m brave enough to wear a swimsuit at 70! Enjoy showing off the bod! I hope that you knock the socks off the relatives! LOL!


    Oh, I forgot! Greg in a mankini? Okay, this I gotta see. Although his wife may have something to say about it. LOL!!


    Oh you guys ain’t seen nothing yet!


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