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Homepage – Forum Forums Research, Clinical Trials, and New Treatments Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Good for Cancer treatment?

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    Is hyperbaric oxygen good for cancer treatment? What do you think? Anyone who has had the therapy?

    “Studies on hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer have up to recently focused on whether enhanced oxygen acts as a cancer promoter or not. As oxygen is believed to be required for all the major processes of wound healing, one feared that the effects of HBO would be applicable to cancer tissue as well and promote cancer growth. Furthermore, one also feared that exposing patients who had been treated for cancer, to HBO, would lead to recurrence. Nevertheless, two systematic reviews on HBO and cancer have concluded that the use of HBO in patients with malignancies is considered safe.”



    I have always supported alternative treatments having used many types myself as I was recovering from surgeries and treatments. However, I always say if you are going to try this route make sure that whatever vitamins, supplements, therapies you are going to try don’t conflict with whatever traditional treatments or medications you are taking or doing. Always seek the advice of a qualified practitioner.

    I have never tried hyperbaric oxygen treatments nor know of anyone that has, but have heard that it is good for healing certain conditions. Thanks for sharing this information. ((((HUGS))))


    I have always supported alternative treatments having used many types myself as I was recovering from surgeries and treatments. However, I always say if you are going to try this route make sure that whatever vitamins, supplements, therapies you are going to try don’t conflict with whatever traditional treatments or medications you are taking or doing. Always seek the advice of a qualified practitioner.

    I have never tried hyperbaric oxygen treatments nor know of anyone that has, but have heard that it is good for healing certain conditions. Thanks for sharing this information. ((((HUGS))))

    Thanks for your input MarySue. I work for Clear Health Inn, in Regina,SK that offers hyperbaric oxygen chamber sessions. We have used it for cancer patients in the past as its suppose to help greatly with the immune system and healing wounds quicker (great for post-surgery, post chemo, radiation), but we also always encourage still sticking to your tradition treatments or medications! Anything that could potentially help, or increase wellbeing is worth looking into!

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