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Homepage – Forum Forums Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer IP/IC Bladder Sparing Therapies Support

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  • #8370

    Am new to this forum, Hello All, I am looking to speak with women who have IC or IP or taking bladder sparing therapies in the hopes this will help me with my decision. Many thanks, Julie

    Jack Moon

    Hi Julie

    Hopefully a few females will respond to your questions soon. I will be emailing a few this morning who can assist you in your decision.
    All the best,


    Hi Julie

    I am a (now) 70 year old woman who had ileal conduit surgery in 2011, when I was almost 66 years old.

    I was diagnosed with transitional cell carcinoma in 2007. Over the next 4 years I had repeated TURBT’s to remove recurring tumours. At one point, the cancer changed from transitional cell, non-invasive to carcinoma-in-situ, a more aggressive cancer, although still non-invasive.

    I was offered the option of bladder removal in 2011, or the option of waiting to see if/when the tumours would become invasive, at which point there would be no choice other than bladder removal.

    I am a careful person, and I was tired of living with the constant disappointment of recurring tumours, as well as the anxiety, so opted to have my bladder removed at that point. I had a surgeon I trusted greatly, and his advice to me was that ileal conduit was the simplest surgery and had the fewest complications later in life. Wearing a pouch on my belly was not a big concern of mine as far as body image goes.

    My recovery from the surgery was uneventful, although I was taken aback by the fatigue and weakness following the operation. I had never had surgery before other than the TURBT’s, and they became almost routine to me over the 4 years I had them.
    After about 6 months, though, I felt back to “normal”. Having the ileal conduit hasn’t really changed my life at all. I travel extensively, swim, bike, hike and snowshoe. I have developed an arthritic knee which is cramping my style somewhat – the compromises I make because of the knee make it even more evident that the IC has not affected my life. I would compare it to wearing contacts perhaps, although it can be a little messier maybe, haha. This is not to say there wasn’t a period of time when I felt quite inept and nervous about my new “normal”, but within a year or so my new way of urinating became a complete non-issue in my daily life. It even has a big plus – I stand now to urinate instead of sitting or squatting – a big plus for a woman!

    I cannot offer any opinions on the IP or the bladder sparing. But I would suggest that you get the name of a very reputable surgeon (maybe from Bladder Cancer Canada) and have him or her advise you on which procedure would best suit your personality and your lifestyle.


    So many thanks Jack and Susan for your kind replies.

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