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IMPORTANT: The Bladder Cancer Canada discussion forum is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The opinions & contents in this forum is for information only and is not reviewed by medical professionals. They are experiences & opinions of patient members like you, and is NOT intended to represent the best or only approach to a situation. Always consult your physician and do not rely solely on the information in this site when making decisions about your health.

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    I am new to this Forum. I do not have a complete diagnosis yet. I had a cysto today and the Dr. saw a single tumour that he thought was low grade. I have no symptoms that led to the cysto booking, however I had a CT for an unrelated matter that came back negative and the bladder lesion appeared incidentally on the CT. Perhaps that was a good outcome to deal with it as early as possible. I will wait for the TURBT and biopsy results before I react too much. I am having a TURBT on the 12th – this Friday. It is nice to have this forum to read and share experiences.




    Hi John, welcome to Bladder Cancer Chat, but sorry you find yourself here for the reason that you are. Certainly, the tumor in your bladder having been found early on is a good thing because as you know, the sooner its’ found the sooner it can be treated. I was diagnosed two years ago and I’m still dealing with it, but at this point, I still have my bladder, so that’s a good thing. It was thought that they would be removing it, but I guess the plan now is to keep an eye on it with cystos and biopsies, etc. I am also being treated with other cancers unrelated to the bladder cancer though, so I’m not getting off scott free.
    Its great for you that you’re having your TURBT really soon and that will give your docs a good picture of what they’re dealing with. Be sure to stay in touch with this forum as there are people on here who are very knowledgeable about bladder cancer and can likely answer any questions that you may have. Its’ also a great place to get support if you have any concerns.
    Take care and best of luck for Friday.

    Jack Moon

    Hi John

    Sorry you have been diagnosed with bladder cancer. Good news that you will the tumor removed so soon after diagnosis. I was diagnosed in 2005 and have been cancer free since 2007. I recommend that you get a copy of your pathology report after your Turbt usually ready with-in 2 weeks. The report will show the stage and grade of the tumor and the margins the Uro sent to the lab.
    Wishing you all the best with the Turbt and please keep us abreast of your diagnosis and any recommended treatments. We have several experienced bladder cancer survivors here on the forum more than happy to share their experiences.
    Take care,


    Thank you Lorraine and Jack for the caring message and the advice. I will update my progress after the 12th. This is a nice resource and community to share with. I appreciate it.



    Hi John, as the others have already said “Welcome to Bladder Cancer Canada”. However I always add the phrase “the site you didn’t wish you have to belong to” but that being said, yes it is a good place to share, get support and ask questions. It was a godsend to me and helped me put things in perspective. Please keep in touch and best of luck for your TURBT this Friday. Let us know what transpires. (((((HUGS)))))

    Rick B

    Hi John,

    Glad you reached out…best wishes for most favorable outcome on Friday. It will probably be a week or so before you actually get the results. Keep us posted and in the meantime don’t hesitate to ask any question. I was diagnosed mid 2012 and after 2 recurrences I have been cancer free since mid 2013. Mine was caught during routine annual health check when microscopic urine analysis detected some abnormal cells…a cysto was then ordered and the rest “as they say” is history.

    Again, my best wishes for most favorable outcome.



    Hi John

    Glad to to hear your cancer was found early, l too had my cancer found by checking out something else.


    Hi John and welcome to the site. Following your first TURBT, I hope the follow up is positive for you.
    You’ll benefit from sharing and talking with everyone here, since we’ve all been there in one way or another.
    I had the RC 4 weeks ago and recovering slowly. The care and support has been very much appreciated.


    John, early detection is so important. You are very lucky. I was diagnosed in Oct 2013 after 4 to 6 days of bleeding. Biopsy from the TURBO will tell a lot. Mine was high grade, stage 3, very aggressive and invasive, no time to waste..

    They removed my bladder in may 2014 as well as the prostate and 21 lymph nodes,

    I elected an ILEAL CONDUIT. All tests, SCANS, ULTRASOUND so far are negative. I have reached (finally) number 3 of the emotional roller coaster HOPE AND READJUSTMENT. It was quite a journey!. Best of luck


    Hello John
    Welcome to Bladder Cancer Canada. I am hoping everything is going well for you, but would still like to hear.
    How did the 12th go? Did you get a copy of your results? How are you feeling?


    Hello Valerie,

    Thanks for the follow up. I am feeling fine. My recovery was fairly quick and uneventful. I do not have results yet. I did receive an appointment for a follow up Cysto on September 15th ( 3 months ). I did call the Uro’s office to request results and/or an appointment. I don’t have anything booked yet.

    SueG — I hope you are doing well since your RC awhile back.





    Sounds like things are going well.

    Keep positive.

    This site is great for support, help and advice.


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