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  • #8025

    I have been searching the net for anything that will help get rid of the inflammation in my bladder. there doesnt seem to be any quick or sure fix.
    this is what i have done to try and treat it.
    No coffee, tea, juice, or soft drinks or anything with citric acid if I am able to.
    I am drinking only water and milk for the last 3 days. it seems to help a bit but I dont know if it is actually doing anything positive.
    Does anyone know what would be best in stopping the inflammation?

    Jack Moon

    Hi Dunin2

    Do you know what may have caused the inflammation? Do you have bladder cancer? Have you had your bladder checked (cysto) by an Urologist?
    My granddaughter has Interstitial cystitis (IC), which is a non bladder cancer condition with an inflamed bladder. She has annual check-ups where the Urologist does check the inside of her bladder, and has a special diet and some medications.
    I possibly could be of more help, if you answer my 3 above questions.
    Below is a website that addresses inflamed bladder.
    All the best,
    Jack Moon


    Sorry that I didnt elaborate on that. I have BC, have gone through 2 operations to remove tumors and one round of BCG treatment ( 6 Doses in six weeks ) my last scope showed no new tumors but an inflamed bladder I also just finished taking antibiotics for a bladder infection.
    I hope this info will help narrow done the best treatment

    Jack Moon

    Hi Dunun2

    I also endured bladder infections during BCG treatments. Inflamed bladder can be caused by several different things with BCG being near the top of the list and also bladder infections. I was told by an infection specialist to reduce and eliminate if possible caffeine, chocolate, and anything with citric acid as these commonly irritate the bladder. He also said the inflammation will take time to be eliminated, which it did several months.
    I wish there was an easy answer to your problem.
    By the way congrats on your all clear after the BCG treatments.
    All the best,


    Thank you for that bit of info Jack Moon. I’m not real pleased at the thought of this lasting several months. I have a second round of BCG starting in late April. I am hoping this inflammation will be gone by then since my reactions to the first round were very painful with hours of strong burning sensations each time. If my bladder is still inflamed when the treatment starts I will probably have another six weeks of extreme diascomfort.
    I do try to avoid any possible irritant but citric acid is a common ingrediant in just about everything and difficult to completely avoid.

    Jack Moon

    I would think your next round of BCG will be maintenance which is 3 weekly treatments at the reduced amount. I would hope that your bladder is back to normal by April, if not, you should speak to your Urologist prior to any further treatments.
    Wishing you all the best,

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