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Homepage – Forum Forums Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Imagine my surprise…!

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    I arrived home from work mid day today to find a soft-sided, bubble wrapped, Canada Post parcel propped against my front door. It was not ticking so I took it with eager anticipation into my study and gingerly, but carefully, cut it open. When what to my wondering eyes should appear…no, not Santa, but a finely crafted, painstakingly stitched quilt with a “Thinking of you” note attached. I’m so glad it was not an “In Sympathy” note!

    As I approach my post RC urethral tumour resection next week, I am thinking of asking the OR team to wrap me in this instead of the standard green surgical tarpaulin normally used. Alas, it would not be acceptable. But I very much appreciate the thoughtfulness and will cherish it moving forward.

    Thank you once again Bladder Cancer Canada and your compassionate ministers of comfort and grace!



    I was the recipient of one of those from a few angels here on the site. It has been on my bed every night keeping me warm and comfortable. Over about 2 years it has not one time been off my bed except for a couple of times to wash it. It doesn’t matter how hot or how cold it gets, it is on me every night, along with the prayers, love and compassion it holds. Mine wasn’t ticking either. No assembly was required and it does not require batteries.



    That makes me smile! 🙂

    Jack Moon

    That makes me smile too!!


    i have one too, most beautiful thing in my house. It helped , and is still helping me through all this. Mine is always on my bed, too.
    It’s my “Linus” blanket as in the Peanuts strip. :)) I can’t thank that wonderful person enough. xoxoxo


    I too was a recipient of this special gift. It remains my reading blanket and has taken up permanent residency laying across my favourite chair beside the fireplace.
    The BCC angels are always with us!

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