Hymmm, where to start with this post. Well OK. Here goes. Oh, forgot what I wanted to say. In any event I have been missing, or so I have heard, from Greg. He asked me if I still see my dinosaur. No, I don’t. I see two dinosaurs. There is some indication that since I am now taking Morphine that their reproductive cycle has been reengaged. But that would mean there should be three of them. Well, the bottom line is that who know. I have graduated to Morphine to control the chronic pain that my body likes to share with all cells equally. Called whole body pain, or WBP (General Motors was going to name one of their latest cars this. Hymmmm.). I’ll try to have more of a presence on the forum. Not sure if that will be good or bad. But since I’m fairly psychotic, like Greg, it may not make much of a difference.