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Homepage – Forum Forums Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer I need your help. Please

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    Hello everyone,

    I am new here, and am not really sure where else to go. Any advice on my situation would be greatly appreciated. My boyfriend who is only 21 years old (literally just turned 21) found out that he has a tumour in his bladder that is 98% cancer. From what I know so far, it is non-muscle invasive. Apparently we caught it REALLY early. At this point that is all I know. I am pretty sure it is Ta (from what the doctor described), but regardless I am freaking out.

    I just want to hear from you guys, on mainly how you coped with hearing this news about a loved one? Also, if people could share how long they have survived after bladder cancer that would be so great.

    My biggest concern is his health, but even scarier is how young he is. I am terrified that this will take away from us living our lives together, potentially having kids, and growing up healthy, having grandkids, etc. I know it sounds negative, but i cant help but panic and feel like there’s no hope.


    Non-muscle invasive, Ta, especially if it is low grade is generally a pretty good deal. Have your boyfriend get a copy of his pathology report so he knows exactly what he is dealing with. It’s ok to freak out for a little bit. I think pretty much all of us did a little bit of that. Then it must be down to business, the business of getting the all clear for many, many, many years to come. The loved one in this case was me, but I certainly plan to be around for a long time. I know our chairman has had the disease – at a much more serious level – for nearly two decades and is still going stronger than most of us can ever hope to attain to.

    Some people with stage Ta may only get the one occurrence, or a couple of recurrences before they get an all clear. Unfortunately, there is no real way to tell yet, so checkups will be a fact of his life for the rest of his life. Don’t let him decide to miss them down the road. Bad mistake with this particular disease because it can recur and so often does. Catching it early is the best way!

    So get rid of the panic. There is an abundance of hope and we will be here to celebrate with you. Challenges will come without question, but those tend to make us stronger, wiser, more compassionate and better rounded people. Keep your chin up, girl. And keep us posted.

    All the best.



    Hi Nicza92,

    You two aren’t alone. Last year, just before I turned 40 I was diagnosed with low grade Ta stage bladder cancer. I’ve had a single TURBT and one installation of chemo (hours after surgery). Since then I have had two 3 month check ups and I’m about to have my first 6 month check up next week. I haven’t had any recurrence as yet and presently I feel fantastic!

    If you want to know more from my side, feel free to message me.



    Hi Nicza92!

    Welcome to our site but sorry that you have need of us. I’m a middle aged female survivor who had non-invasive bladder cancer. I did have one reoccurrence and have had 2 TURBTS and 21 BCG (immunotherapy) treatments. My doctor recommended the treatments because the cancer although non-invasive was high grade meaning it had a greater potential for going invasive if it reoccurred. The treatments are designed to lessen that risk.

    That being said, as the others have said you need to make sure of your boyfriend’s diagnosis. If it was caught early like they said then it is most likely non-invasive and hopefully low grade. Get a copy of the report. Jack Moon our president can help you with the interpretation as we have access to a pathologist’s services. He will need regular cystoscopy exams for life but that is the only way to catch it early if it should reoccur. 21 is pretty young so this is of most importance that he understands the need for these exams. They are invasive and not fun. You guys will need to sit down with the doctor and find out if any kind of follow up treatment is needed.

    It is perfectly normal to be scared and freaking out. I did and my hubby did as well. Cancer of any type is scary because the journey can be unknown. You will probably feel a little less stressed once you understand the full story.

    Don’t hesitate to visit here often and ask questions. If your boyfriend wants to talk to a guy, there are lots on this site willing to talk.

    As for having kids, he will be able to father kids as long as the cancer isn’t invasive requiring his bladder and prostate being removed but it sounds like you’re no where near that so don’t panic. If it only requires regular follow up then get busy and live your lives. Don’t let this beat you down. It is a hard road but with support doable. I have recovered and live a full, normal life busy with lots of volunteer work and steering the last two of four kids to full independence.

    If you want girl talk don’t hesitate to private message me. Take care hon, and stayin touch.


    Thank you everyone for your feedback, looking forward to hearing from more people but so far this has been very helpful! Apparently they also took a small biopsy when they do the cystoscopy which we will find out about by around Tuesday!!


    All the best today Nicza to you and your boyfriend.

    Sending him positive vibes!


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