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I really need to know what all of you are getting for me for Christmas this year. Do you need a list? I can fax one or have my courier get one to you. I also need to know which chimney you use. And what happens when a home does not have a chimney, like mine? This is getting serious and worrisome.
I wondered about sending you some rain, dear. But then thought it was Texas and you might need three hoes – ho, ho ho – to till the ground. I can’t think of nothing elf to buy you.
Santa has his ways of getting into people’s houses that even security people cannot figure out. I’d hate to break his confidence and tell you. But don’t worry, he’ll be present.
Only two months and ten days to go – but who’s counting?
I’ll go with Lynda’s suggestion. I’ll always remember how wonderful you were to bring me a bottle of Patron while I was at M.D. Anderson and Bob M also for his bottle of Milagro. A person can never forget that kind of present. Far better than chickens and elfs. How did you sneak that tequila into the hospital?
I am sending you my request for $115,000 I want for Christmas.
That will pay off everything from house to credit cards.
You can send me a check , that will be fine 🙂
I can so. Matter of fact I have the card and request all ready to send to you. I even included a return envelope so you can send me a check 🙂
Thanks, in advance …and merry Christmas
No,Jeanne. I won;t allow it. I already stopped all mail delivery. You can;t do that. It’s a rule. It’s a rule and I don;t make exceptions regarding my rules. Ask Jack, he’ll tell you.