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  • #7954

    I sure hope Greg doesn’t know about this.



    I know about Hymn. I’ve even sung a few.



    You sung a few and I hung a few. Where3 the heck are we going with this post? Hymmm, as long as Greg doesn’t find out



    I’m going to get into a lot of trouble for this post but here goes as I couldn’t resist….

    Ki, How is it that you are posting about “hymms”? I thought that you had a sex change procedure? How about “herrrs”?


    I’m sure you’ll be in trouble with someone but probably not with me or Greg. Actually I had two sex change operations. One to determine what sex I was and the other to determine what sex I wasn’t. Two very harrowing experiences. As for which sex I really am, only Greg knows. Hymmmmm.

    Did you know it takes balls:

    to play golf
    to play tennis
    to play soccer
    to play football
    to play volleyball
    to play ping pong

    Now hockey, well that’s another hymmmmm.

    I still am not sure where this post is going but being goofy is the best parts of my days. There is just no way I can take myself seriously, seriously.


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