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Homepage – Forum Forums Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer HELP! Needed suggestions from those experiencing post Op, neurological itching/nerve damage.

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    Hi guys I’m asking a question for my father he recently had his bladder and prostate removed and encountered quite a few infections from the surgery he now has nerve damage from the surgery and is experiencing neurological itching with no common symptoms of infection on the site the doctor general practitioner is suggesting we go to a neurologist or a nerve specialist has any of you encountered similar problems? We do not know who to request or their actual title. Being a patient of Jurvinski we were hoping that there would be someone on site. Any help is appreciated.


    Hymmm. Have not heard of that before. But I do know what burning itching nerve pain, nerve damage is since I have MS. But with reference to bladder surgery I have no earthly idea. It is hopefully a temporary thing. I think seeing a good neurologist is a good idea. Please keep us informed. That’s the kind of info we all need to know about. BC is always a learning experience for everyone.



    Thanks Kiowa….we are unsure at this point if its neurological or nerve damage or a combination of healing and anxiety. My father suffers from Anxiety and it has been elevated since his Cancer diagnosis. The problem is that the internal itching is so severe around his groin area it is keeping him up all night, causing him to rest more in the day, and also causing some social problems as I see him staying home more and not wanting to be around others. I don’t blame him, while he is itching the insides of his groin area (not penis) it still looks socially awkward and embarrassing for him. We currently are seeking a neurologist at the Cancer Clinic to do some investigating into it. But we also will be speaking to his psychologist to see if he needs a higher dosage of anxiety medication. Over all just a tad sad, as it really is effecting his every moment. Send Prayers thanks for the support.


    Thank you for your post. difficult to find someone to relate to and discuss pre & post operative issues with, this site, my new BFF, sadly I am unable to help, other than suggesting your family doctor should be able to suggest something, be it an injection or higher medication. please keep posting, God bless you both, he is a lucky dad !


    For my husband’s post op/post chemo neurological pain, his surgeon referred him to the Pain Clinic at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. (He also had his surgery and chemo there).
    The Pain Clinic physician was quite helpful. He prescribed a combination of meds which decreased the pain so that the pain no longer interferes with function.



    Back in 2002 I had to have an emergency hysterectomy. I did have some post op itching and nerve tingling along the 8 inch incision site and was told it was the nerves “coming back to life” and that it would fade in time and it did. I found using cool compresses helped relieve the itching. However, your dad’s situation sounds more complicated. I suggest you consider Ieva’s suggestion and contact the pain clinic to see what they suggest. Please let us know what happens as this could be helpful for someone else on the site. ((((HUGS))))



    My husband suffers from neurological pain. He saw a pain specialist that prescribed a series of medications. Some of these are medications meant for other things but have been found to really help nerve pain. Caution: I believe there is a tendency to over medicate with these medications. Your dad should still be coherent when on these medicines. My husband had to settle with a certain amount of pain in order to have a clear head.

    Get his doctor to refer your dad to a pain specialist or pain clinic. Don’t wait around for this. Be aggressive but polite if you need to.

    FYI: your dad will still be able to ride in the future. It will just take time.

    Take care of both your dad and you

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