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  • #8265

    Three surgeries, eight main tumors, multiple superficial tumors, 15 weeks BCG later, I think I am starting to know my bladder. In addition, the main tumor was probably celebrating its early childhood as I had blood in my urine for at least 5 years before diagnosis. The medical world misdiagnosed all along. Took a medical resident to be suspicious and order an ultrasound. Anyway, it seems I get cramps from my bladder area when there are tumors. Brought this up to urologist after June surgery because the cramps didn’t go away like they usually do. Urologist did another cystoscopy 5 weeks after surgery (1 week after actually getting surgery results) and, sure enough, there was another tumor. I get a very specific cramp that radiates to my pelvis on the left side. My pelvis area actually feels like it is burning. Doctor ordered ultrasounds and every blood test imaginable to ensure there isn’t cancer in that area and everything has been clear. Colon test is also clear. Anyone else experience cramps or anything similar with their cancer?

    Jack Moon

    Hi Cheryl

    I did not experience any cramps with my tumors prior to having them removed. Only blood in the urine prior to my initial diagnosis.
    All the best,


    I’ve had a bunch of surgeries also but I don’t recall having had any cramps.But lots of benighn things can cause cramps such as the anesthesia, stress, etc. You aren’t crazy though.



    A little while before I was diagnosed with BC in 2008 and again in 2010 when I had a reoccurrence I had some lower back pain. That was before there was any blood in my urine. The pain was gone after I healed from the TURBTS. I never did ask my uro about it but did mention it to a nurse while in hospital and she did say that the tumours may have been the cause for the back pain. So, no, you are not crazy. I truly think that is your body’s way of letting you know that there is something amiss in that area. As for the late diagnosis, I’ve heard that from people over and over again that it took quite some time to be diagnosed as a lot of doctors aren’t super familiar with bladder cancer. That is one of the big reasons for Bladder Cancer Canada making it their mission to raise awareness not only for the patient but for the medical community too. I was fortunate in that that was the first thing my family doctor wanted to rule out – cancer in the urinary tract – so he ordered x-rays and ultrasounds right away and when the tumours showed up he hustled me off to a uro real fast.


    Thanks guys.

    It is all a learning process that I would much rather not have! Have to check on the sanity part, though. My family thinks I am a little loco. Especially my children. I just tell them that I am too old to be embarrassed by anything. Drives them crazy and actually keeps them on their toes. One of my favorite sayings: old age and treachery will outsmart youth and skill every time. They are learning this one. Slowly.


    My father experienced pain and cramping in his right hip.


    Hi Cheryl

    I think you just gave me some insight. Yup I remember the cramping just after I had and ultrasound which happened after a trip to emerg. Doctors suspected BC. I took one serious one when I was in the shower left side. And yes, you will get to know your bladder very well. You have probably experienced quivering within your bladder before your diagnosis. Our bodies do speak. I am definitely a better listener know. The groin sometimes pains too, my left side burning. Might be pull in one of your ligaments near groin. (abductor strain)

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