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Homepage – Forum Forums Off Topic Happy Valentine’s Day

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  • #8344

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. In Alberta this is being a double whammy weekend as we have the Family Day weekend this weekend as well. All the better to celebrate with loved ones. My hubby plans to do steaks on the BBQ tonight. Yes, that’s right! Thanks to El Nino we’re not freezing our buns off like eastern Canadians are right now and can actually do an outdoor BBQ. Who’d a thunk it? All easterners, hang in there and maybe do a hot chocolate in front of the fireplace? Take care all…((((HUGS)))))

    Jack Moon

    Happy Valentine’s Day Marysue. Family Day weekend here in Ontario also.


    Yes Marysue, we, here in the East are freezing our buns off for sure! It is bitter cold here and there’s no way we’ll be barbecuing today. Its’ bad enough that we have to take our poor dog out to do his business. He doesn’t seem to mind it though. He gets out there and dilly dallies instead of doing what he’s out there to do while we (I) freeze waiting. Of course, he has lots of fur on him so perhaps he really doesn’t mind it that much.

    Its’ Heritage Day here in N.S. but elsewhere I believe it is called “Family Day.” Go figure.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you Marysue and Jack, and everyone here on the forum. Have a good one and stay warm. Enjoy your barbecue Marysue.

    Take care all.

    Jack Moon

    Happy Valentine’s Day and Heritage Day Lorraine!


    Oh, I guess I missed Valentine’s Day. Or it missed me. My two Golden Retrievers sent me a card though. Actually, I did remember my wife and I got her a really cool amber stone set in a silver setting. Found it in a dumpster when I went dumpster diving. Well, actually no, I got it for here from a jewelry maker. So happy Valentine’s day everyone. Sorry I’m later. Merry Christmas too.



    Hi there Kiwoa, belated Happy Valentine’s day to you as well, along with Merry Christmas too, since you brought it up. Guess you couldn’t find anything nice in the dumpster for your wife, so you decided to blow the bank and buy something new. Probably a wise decision on your part.

    Hope you’re doing reasonably well these days.

    Take care.


    Yeah I think that was the safe thing to do, Lorraine. But I have not given up on the dumpsters. The darn dumpsters seem to get bigger and biegger though. Or is that just in Texas? Found some golf balls in one of them. And a broken gold club that had some no so nice words written on it with the initials J.M. Weird isn;t it?


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