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    Since no one has posted this, I will. I just want to wish everyone out there a Happy Thanksgiving. I know for some there are some sad things which will make it difficult to seem grateful but somewhere somehow those dark clouds will lift.

    As I posted separately my brother-in-law is in hospital having had a heart attack last Friday which has put a bit of a damper on things but at least as my sister-in-law said, it happened here in Calgary, a major centre where good care is readily available and we do have family and friends to help out.

    Let’s just hold our hearts and say a prayer of thanks that we live in a free and democratic country with some of the best things like health care and education available to everyone.

    Jack Moon

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

    Marie 1

    I was thinking of everyone on this site today and even though we are dealing with a lot, we still have many blessings to be thankful for. I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Marysue, prayers go out to your brother-in law for a speedy recovery.

    Please keep me in your prayers as I receive the pathology report this Wednesday from the second TUR I had on Sept 28th.

    Cheryl, thank you for your PM as it gave me the kick I needed to keep pushing forward.



    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Now that my house has almost emptied out of company (they started arriving last Tuesday), the six course meal that took two days to prepare has been devoured and cleanup done, I can now take a very deep breath and say Happy Thanksgiving! Isn’t it awesome: we made it to another one! As I mentioned this evening to company: no matter what life throws at you, at least it is real life and you are still here to be part of it.

    Also celebrated a birthday (my Mother’s) with cake to add to the pumpkin pies for dessert. In our household, nobody steps on a scale for a couple weeks after Thanksgiving.

    I at least get to work off some of that food: get to spend the next four days pushing a mower around our yard doing the final grass cutting for the year. This is to cut the grass that the riding mowers can’t get at. Yippee….

    Marie: always available to provide a kick or two.

    Take care everyone!


    OK, seriously you guys. But first, happy thanks giving to all of you. Now, back to serious! It’s october. You don;t celebrate that in October. You celebrate it in November. This is Texas. We celebrate it in November. And being Texas, it’s the rule. We are the rule setters. So thanksgiving is therefore celebrated in November. But for all of you who are out of texas (and thus out of your mind), happy thanksgiving. Geesh! Y’ll need to get it together. Oh, one other thing: when is Christmas and New Years?



    Hello Kiowa

    Very simple explanation as to why we do Thanksgiving in October: the best always comes first. The best means us Canadians. Americans are just second fiddle so you have to Thanksgiving after us.

    We do Christmas and New Years at the same time as Americans because Canadians will allow second fiddles to do some things at the same time as us. It’s that Canadian politeness coming out.

    Take care


    Hi Kiowa, guess Canadians can take the gloves off sometimes and give it right back at ya. Good job Cheryl. Well, our Thanksgiving is now past, so we won’t mind eating turkey again come Christmas, but you Americans won’t be over your turkey dinner by Christmas, so that’s one of the benefits of being Canadian. Seriously though, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving when the time comes.

    Take care everyone.

    Jack Moon

    Ki, I do not understand why your Thanksgiving is so late, maybe it is caused by Black Friday. I notice you also have Thanksgiving the day before Black Friday. What the hell is Black Friday any ways. We don’t have a Black Friday in Canada, we have Boxing Day which the day after Christmas. Boxing day makes sense to me but I just do not understand Black Friday. Strange country you lice in Ki.
    Maybe you could have a Black Boxing Day!
    Confused, Jack


    Actually Jack, we did have a “Black Friday” of sorts last year here in Calgary anyways. At the weekend of the American Thanksgiving we had all sorts of crazy sales that were announced by “Black Friday” flyers. Not sure about the rest of Canada though. I too, think that this is crazy.

    That being said, I’d never do the shopping then as the stores are going crazy with customers. To me it’s not worth the hassle to face the crowds.


    Well I guess I really gotten beaten up on that post. Oh well. The best does come first. That’s why since I am a Texas we should have Thanksgiving in September.

    If it were me I would do away with black Thursday. jack is right. Makes no sense. And y’all know how much I hate to agree with Jack. But haveing Boxing day is much more sensible. It should be the day after Christmas and Boxing Day is kinda cool. Actually Black thursday is boxing day too becasue that’s what people do here. They beat on each other to get to what they want. Black thrursday hads become pretty vivious. I like to go just to watch what people do. It can be pretty dangerous actually.

    One thing though. Y’all do not have a Plymouth Rock. I don’t think you even have a Plymouth. I don;t mean the car, actually you don;t have those anymore either. Neither do we.

    Well, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year tpo my Canadian family.


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