Canada is 147 years old today. Happy birthday, Canada.
Did you know…
Canada got its own flag in 1965, nearly 100 years after becoming a country.
The 2013 population of Canada was 35.1 million people.
Mount Logan is Canada’s highest peak at 19,551 feet. It’s found in the Yukon and is increasing its height by a few millimetres per year due to the earth’s movement.
Basketball was invented by a Canadian Dr James Naismith while living in Massachusetts.
The Canadian one dollar coin was first minted in 1987 and is called a loonie for the engraved loon on the back of the coin.
About 20% of the world’s fresh water is in Canada.
Canada is the best place to live in the world…OK I made that up. But I think it’s true…at least for me!